Means, Guy H.
A fourth generation Florida native, Guy H. (“Harley”) Means was born and raised in Tallahassee. Harley grew up on Tall Timbers Research Station where his father, Bruce, was director. Here he was exposed to natural Florida and spent most of his time outdoors observing, collecting and enjoying Florida’s bountiful natural resources. Means has a bachelors and a masters degree in geology from Florida State University. He is also a licensed professional geologist. He has been employed by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Florida Geological Survey (FGS) in Tallahassee for over ten years. During his tenure at FGS he has acquired professional experience in Florida geology, paleontology, archeology, zoology, natural history and conservation. His research interests include: stratigraphy, paleontology, geoarchaeology and hydrogeology of Florida numerous springs.